Monday, July 15, 2013

The Garden . . .

Is coming along nicely!

I've planted seven (7!) different tomato plants, because I cannot get enough of them.  I'll eat them morning, noon, and night.  In eggs, in pasta, in quiche, grilled with olive oil and salt, or just a plain old tomato salad with some herb and vinaigrette.  These I picked because of the name, "Bloody Butcher," and are the first to get ripe, even before the "Early Girl" (which are taking their own sweet time).

Cauliflower is just starting to come out and the broccoli has been being harvested for the last couple of weeks thanks to the early warm weather we had this year.  12 plants total, six were given to me, with a chuckle, by my (fantastic) mother when her boss said that someone had given him a bunch of cucumber plant.  Um, yeah, does that look like a cuke to you?  I hear that the only thing he grows in the way of edibles is mint for mojitos. 
I think I might put in mint next year. . .

I put in two types of onions, Walla Walla Sweets and Red Torpedo  My first time for growing onions ever, but I heard they were easy and they definitely are shaping up to be.  Thing is that I should have just stuck with the one pack, not realizing that each pack contained about 100 onion starts.  Nope, not kidding, so I planted half and gave the other half away to a fellow gardening friend.  The red ones are already saying that they are done, but they are MUCH tinier than they should be.  The Sweet are going strong.

Tomatillos have taken over!  This plant is over 5 feet high and about that big around.  It lifted its cage right out of the ground so it is now tied up to the fence. And a rhododendron. And the cage. Ridiculousness!

For herbs, I have my faves in.  Cilantro, dill, chives, basil, sage (goes well with the onions!).  DROOL!

Of the five different peppers, this one is Czech Black, but there is Thai, Hungarian, Jalapeno and something else that will be a surprise because the tag has gone missing!  Possibly a banana pepper?
Just starting to get big are the eggplants, butternut squash, and pole beans.  Soon, I'll seed more peas for late summer and the next round of herbs. Can't wait!

I would say that was it but the peas dies very early after yielding a whole five pods (too little water?), the zucchini seems to be rotting on the ground (too much water maybe?), and the squirrels ate the strawberries.  Who knew?  I now try to glare them down, but I have stuff to do and can't just sit there and protect the garden . . . but that would beat working!

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